Actor Hugh Jackman and his wife of 27 years, Deborra-Lee Furness, have announced their decision to separate, according to reports from US media. The couple, originally from Australia, expressed their gratitude for nearly three decades of shared life and revealed their intention to part ways in order to pursue personal growth.
Their journey began in 1995 when they met on the set of the
TV show "Correlli," with Furness being an established actress and
Jackman just starting out after drama school. They tied the knot in April 1996
and later adopted two children who are now 23 and 18 years old.
In a statement to People magazine, Jackman and Furness
emphasized the enduring importance of family in their lives, noting that it has
always been their highest priority. They requested understanding and privacy as
they navigate this transition.
Jackman, renowned for his portrayal of Wolverine in the
X-Men franchise, as well as his roles in "The Greatest Showman" and
"Les Misérables," frequently shared his love and appreciation for
Furness on social media. On their 27th wedding anniversary in April, he professed
his love and admiration for her and their beautiful family.
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